Pay homage to the greatest love of all. Express your respect and gratitude to all those who passed away but in their lifetime have selflessly helped other people and have sacrificed for them. There are always great examples, there are always great actions, there are always great sacrifices. You should never miss the opportunity to show how much this means to you.
Pay homage to the greatest love of all. Find the way how to express your respect and gratitude.
1. Integrate respect and gratitude into your comunication with others.
2. Honestly show respect to people around you.
3. Use words of appreciation and gratitude that come from your heart.
4. Pay attention to your eye roll, raised voice and avoid improper tone and body language.
5. If you want to express respect, do this with dignity.
6. Show respect, with natural behaviour.
7. Be tolerant and compassionate to all people.
8. Use every opportunity to show gratitude for all the good the others did for you.
9. Learn from positive examples of good deeds from those who have done the most for others.
10. Show gratitude and love for those who have done great things by remembering them in prayer.
Some thoughts about respect and gratitude:
True respect means accepting someone honoring his/her thoughts and feelings.
One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.
Respect is one of life’s greatest treasures. I mean, what does it all add up to if you don’t have that?
Gratitude is a virtue disposing the mind to an inward sense and an outward acknowledgment of a benefit received, together with a readiness to return the same, or the like, as occasions of the doer of it shall require, and the abilities of the receiver extend to. He who receives a good turn, should never forget it: he who does one, should never remember it.
O Lord, that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.
What causes such a miscalculation in the amount of gratitude which men expect for the favors they have done, is, that the pride of the giver and that of the receiver can never agree as to the value of the benefit.
If gratitude is due from children to their earthly parents, how much more is the gratitude of the great family of man due to our Father in heaven!