About the author and the purpose of the website
Marko Jevšenak
About the author:
Marko Jevšenak was born at 22nd August 1962 in Celje. He finished primary school in Šoštanj (1976) and grammar school in Velenje (1981). He studied at Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor and recived Bachelor Degree in International Trade. He graduateed in 1989. He recived master's degree in 1992 (Marketing Structure and Policy). He mastered Dale Carnegie training and Pedagogical and Andragogical Education at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. He has International Diploma from Digital Marketing.
From April 1987 until September 2020, he has worked in Gorenje company Marketing Department.
He coordinated internet projects. He was a member of Product Information APPLiA working group in Brussels.
Several years he teached lessons (Economy, Marketing) on middle scool.
Since 2023, he has been employed at the social enterprise EUDOM, where he participates in the development of online applications in the field of sustainable development and participates in projects for the installation of solar power plants.

He is also a digital marketing enthusiast and the result is website

The purpose of the website is to create content that will contribute to personal growth, health, real wealth, satisfaction and lifelong learning. He want to share interesting ideas that he really believe in and to present them as briefly and clearly as possible. He believes that anyone can contribute to making the Earth a better place to live on.

Together we'll be able to achieve a new quality of life and living.
Marko Jevšenak: Pomembno sporočilo bralcem
Let's preserve our blue planet.
The purpose of the website is also to promote content that helps to be better as people and better at work. There are many oportunities to do something every day to improve mental and physical condition.
Each on is a unique individual with right to live and develop in dignity.
With best wishes to all people of good will, there is also a music page with lots of positive vibes and energy. Enjoy.
Author build these websites and he grow with them too.  He believes that the content will be interesting and useful also for visitors of this sites.