Live in love. Find a true love. Only true love makes life happy and fulfilled. Love is as important to people as oxygen and gives real meaning to life.
If you want to find true love, first delve into your soul. Try to hear your inner voice. If you learn to appreciate your own, genuine qualities, you will begin to be attracted to people who value those qualities in you.

How to find find a true love? Consider steps bellow.
1. Let your soul and heart lead you.
2. Accept yourself as you are. Convince others with your authenticity, with being simply you.
3. Develop attractiveness which will positively inspire others.
4. Nurture goodness, decency and sense of humor.
5. Increase your self-confidence to feel safe and strong.
6. Do regularly exercises to improve your physical attraction.
7. Find and meet people who are attracted to you.
8. Build a relationship with your partner based on trust and mutual understanding.
9. Deepen intimacy slowly and carefully.
10. Combine your tenderness with your sexuality, your passion with your decency, kindness and diligence.
It is simply pleasant to read toughts about love:
Love is the purification of the heart from self; it strengthens and ennobles the character, gives higher motives and a nobler aim to every action of life, and makes both man and woman strong, noble, and courageous.
We never can willingly offend where we sincerely love.
It is difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know it has begun. A thousand heralds proclaim it to the listening air, a thousand messengers betray it to the eye. Tone, act, attitude and look, the signals upon the countenance, the electric telegraph of touch. All these betray the yielding citadel before the word itself is uttered, which, like the key surrendered, opens every avenue and gate of entrance, and renders retreat impossible.
Love that has nothing but beauty to keep it in good health, is short-lived.
No cord or cable can draw so forcibly, or bind so fast, as love can do with only a single thread.
It is possible that a man can be so changed by love, that one could not recognize him to be the same person.
Only those who love with the heart can animate the love of others.
True love is humble, thereby is it known; Girded for service, seeking not its own; Vaunts not itself, but speaks in self-dispraise.
Love without faith is as bad as faith without love.